013 - It's Not Magic

Reverse Engineering the Iridium Satellite Protocol with Schneider

Alvaro , Gareth and Piotr talked to Schneider about Iridium satellite protocol reverse engineering. (And other fun things)

Here are links to most of the stuff we talked about. They’re mostly in chronological order.

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

012 - Cheese vs. SDR

An interview with Jared Boone

Alvaro and guest co-host Gareth( @gareth__ )  talked to Jared Boone( @sharebrained ) about interactive television, blu-ray authoring, optical media, cheese, the HackRF portapack, and much more. Recorded during Toorcamp 2018.

Links to some of the things we talked about:

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

011 - Making Too Many Assumptions

An interview with Mike Ryan, Bluetooth Expert

This week Mike Ryan ( @mpeg4codec ) joins us to talk about how he went from hacking games for stronger characters (we don’t reveal which ones; you’ll have to listen) to revealing big weaknesses in Bluetooth products.

Mike gives us the rundown on how he ended up working on UbertOOth ,  using wireshark , and how many UbertEEth you should use.  We discuss some of the biggest mistakes developers make in their Bluetooth and BLE products. He shares some examples of this through his prior work including credit cards and skateboards. We also learn about CVEs including the one Mike has for the Skateboard .

If after this, you are worried that your next IoT product needs a security review or at least getting started with Ubertooth, you can go to the Ubertooth , CrackLE and wireshark sites. If you want some serious hands on, you can contact Mike here .

A few more tools came up to add to your list:

NOTE: Sorry about the rough audio, we had some technical difficulties that we resolved about 15 min in.

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

010 - T0015! Part 0x3 - Debug Interfaces

Reverse Engineering Tools - Debugging Hardware

This week we talk about the nebulous world of debugging interfaces, some of their history, and how they can be used in reverse engineering. We cover the basics of what are JTAG and SWD ( both ARM Debug Access Port (DAP) and ARM® Debug Interface Architecture Specification ) and can they both be used to debug a MIPS processor (the answer is NO!).

We list a few other standards but also some key vendors and projects to get you debugging and controlling your next system:

Since a few of these are from the OSHW/OSSW world, we briefly discuss the impact of this work on driving down costs and opening up the field to more people.

As always, we might have missed your favorite tool or you had questions and comments about our list, find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com and tell us.

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

009 - T0015! Part 0x2: All Ur sigs R belong to uS.

Reverse Engineering Tools - Signal Measurement

In this episode, we talked about measuring things (Well mostly digital and some analog things)!

Perhaps we missed your favorite tool or you had questions and comments about our list, find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com and tell us.

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )