018 - Ghidra

An Interview with Thomas Daede

Thomas Daede joined us after the Mountain View Reverse Engineering Meetup to talk about Ghidra . Ghidra is the NSA’s newly-released-to-the-public software reverse engineering tool.

The source has not yet been released, but there’s a Ghidra Github placeholder .

Some of the other things we talked about:

Thomas also mentioned @marcan42 ’s example of comparing his own PowerPC code with Ghidra’s decompiled output .

CrowdSupply’ s Teardown conference is coming up in Portland, June 21-23.

BlackHoodie will be back in the SF Bay Area in April .

Women in Security and Privacy ( @wisporg ) has a scholarship program for DEFCON. You can apply for the scholarship online. They’ll cover the DEFCON ticket as well as a $500 stipend for travel/accommodation. If you want to help, you can donate here . Thanks to @RachelTobac for spreading the word! As of this episode, there are 58 scholarships available!

Jen mentioned @pinkflawd’ s tweet about ELF binaries .

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

017 - Supercon 2018 Part 2

Various Interviews from the Hackaday Superconference

Jen and Alvaro were at the 2018 Hackaday Superconference !

Sorry for the audio quality, we recorded in a fairly loud environment.

Sarah Petkus and Mark Koch

Rick Altherr

Ruth Grace Wong & Joe Rozner

Piotr Esden & Dominc Spill

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

016 - Supercon 2018 Part 1

Various Interviews from the Hackaday Superconference

Jen and Alvaro were at the 2018 Hackaday Superconference !

Sorry for the audio quality, we recorded in a fairly loud environment .

Chris Svec - http://chrissvec.com

Josh Lifton from Crowd Supply .

Richard Whitney from the Happy Robot Company

Alex Glow from Hackster

Chris Gammell from The Amp Hour

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show , or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

015 - Updates!

Summer/Fall updates from Jen and Alvaro

Alvaro was at Toorcamp and DEFCON . Chris from The Amp Hour and Jack from the Darknet Diaries podcast were also there.

Jen went to the Vintage Computer Festival

Alvaro and Jen will both be at the Hackaday Superconference this year. Call for papers is still open !!!

Hardware Developers Didactic Galactic and the Mountain View Reverse Engineering Meetup

A listener, David , wrote up his process for reverse engineering a robot cat litter box .

Alvaro’s fridge reverse engineering twitter thread.

Bunnie Huang’s book “ Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen

Jen mentioned playing with IDA and the Hex-Rays Decompiler

Dmitri’s CortexProg ARM SWD debugger/programmer.


We have a mirror of PoC||GTFO on the website.

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

014 - Ferrycast

An interview with Joe Grand

Alvaro and Gareth talked to Joe Grand on the ferry back from Toorcamp .

Here are links to most of the things we talked about:

If you’re curious about Joe’s “Juvenile Delinquency” days, check out his Cyphercon Talk!

Here's the photo out the window Alvaro mentioned.

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )