053 - It's Hammer Time!

An Interview With Hash About Smart Power Meters

Jen and Alvaro chat with Hash ( @bitbangingbytes ) about reverse engineering smart power meters! Check out Hash’s RECESSIM community as well as their Discord ! Hash is also on TikTok @bitbangbytes .

Here are some links:

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

052 - Twitter Is My Lab Notebook

An interview with @TubeTimeUS

In this episode, we chat with @TubeTimeUS about reverse engineering sound cards, how the MOnSter 6502 came to be, the Snappy Video Snapshot , ethics in engineering, troubleshooting techniques, and much more!

Here’s a detailed list to many of the things we talked about:

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

051 - Collecting Students With Similar Names

A visit from Jiska Classen

Our guest, Jiska Classen (@naehrdine) is a security researcher at University of Darmstadt (why, yes you can specialize in Security here) and focuses on reverse engineering wireless things. She is a speaker at this year’s Hardwear.io . We did a deep dive on ROM patches on Broadcom chips. You'll want to listen to this episode if you are thinking about using iOS devices for your reversing.

https://github.com/seemoo-lab/frankenstein (Jan Ruge)

https://github.com/seemoo-lab/internalblue (Dennis Mantz) - not be confused for eternal blue.

Nexmon --- Nexus monitor wifi https://github.com/seemoo-lab/nexmon

https://github.com/seemoo-lab/polypyus (Jan Friebertshäuser)

Thumbs up - ARM function identification https://karta.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Thumbs%20Up.html

Checkra1n - bootloader to jailbreak on iOS. https://checkra.in/

ToothPicker (Dennis Heinze, aka Dennis #2*) https://github.com/seemoo-lab/toothpicker

fpicker - Another/2 Dennis (Dennis Heinze) https://github.com/ttdennis/fpicker

Xnuspy https://github.com/jsherman212/xnuspy

Frida objection https://github.com/sensepost/objection

“funniest fuzzer ever wrote” (ComCenter but this has the parsing guts)

Obligatory video of AirTechno on AirTag.

AirGuard - android air tag app. https://github.com/seemoo-lab/airguard

* Sorry Dennis. You were just the second Dennis in this interview. Certainly this doesn’t reflect upon you as a person or a professional.

050 - Four Years In

Jen and Alvaro chat about the last four years.

In our 50th episode, Jen and Alvaro chat about the podcast and a bunch of other random things.

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

049 - Reversing Your Childhood One Game At a Time

An interview with James Chambers

This episode Jen is hosting alone so she opted to focus on getting answers to all her Animal Crossing hacking questions by bringing in security researcher and reverse engineer, James Chambers. James discusses various projects including ones that aren’t video game based.

James did a kick ass job of sharing pretty much every single link below to get you going on hacking keyboards and Nintendo so you don’t have to waste time web searching. Plus some of them include past guests so check them out.

Logitech keyboards:

Amiibo hacking stuff:

Animal crossing letter system thread that changed how Jen wrote letters in ACNH.

Console tools:

Console hacking stuff:

Jen is currently crushing on PCBite probes.