033 - All Over the Place

Pandemic updates from Jen and Alvaro

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

032 - High Molarity Rants

An Interview with John McMaster

In this episode, Jen and Alvaro talk with John McMaster about the Mountain View Reverse Engineering Meetup and some of his other projects.

MTVRE Patreon


Hardwear.io USA

Mike Ryan

Dmitry Grinberg

Natalie Silvanovich

RPI-SEC club


John’s station wagon

Swiss light source

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

031 - The Title Isn’t DibbleDabble

Year End Review

Year end review of our favorite shows, what happened in the world, and what is next.

Jennifer Wang - Harry Potter Talk From Supercon 2018

Frontline episode Season 38 Ep 5- “In the Age of AI”

Xray van via @CreativeElctrn

SEM awesomeness via @nanographs and siliconpron via @ johndmcmaster

Other podcasts that you might not know about (as opposed to just Amp Hour, Embedded.FM, and HackADay Podcast):

Cybersecurity Sauna

We need to talk about infosec

Darknet diaries

Opposable Thumbs

Deep fakes ( spotting ) ( creating ) ( faking )

Net Neutrality was repealed in June of 2018.



The Prestige

Note: we had a lot of interruptions that we tried to smooth over to moderate success but might impact your listening.

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

030 - Supercon 2019

Various Interviews from the Hackaday Superconference

Jen and Alvaro talked to a few folks at the 2019 Hackaday Superconference !

Emily Velasco ( @MLE_Online )

Jasmine Brackett ( @asiwatch )

Murriel ( @xmurriel )

Timon ( @timonsku )

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

029 - Old Timey Name Droppin’

Philip Freidin 9/16/2019

We welcomed Philip Freidin this week to the show to talk about his work in FGPAs and what kind of smart or least smart bets to take. We did spend some time to talk about how much Silicon Valley has changed by talking about cherries.

Sunnyvale landmarks

CJ Olson - for the cherries

Libby Watertower

Weird Stuff

Book on S unnyvale




@PhilipFreidin has a new instructional site set to be ready for 2020:

DSP-for-KIDS.com (not to be confused with Kars for Kids ).

We announced Blackhoodie.re but that deadline has come and gone. We have been busy and this took a long time to get out into the world but the world doesn’t wait for us.

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )