023 - Magic Moonbeams

An interview with Adam Laurie/Major Malfunction

In this episode, Alvaro talks to Major Malfunction at the Hardwear.io conference.

Alvaro first saw his Magstripe Madness talk at Defcon 14 ( slides ).


F2F Encoding

Magnetic Stripe Standards

Hardpwn contest


Proxmark 3 developed by Iceman ( patreon )


Adam’s Github

Adam’s Blog

RFIDler ( Kickstarter )



URH (Universal Radio Hacker)


River Loop Sec’s KillerBee

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show , or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

022 - Bits Through the Microscope

An interview with Chris Gerlinsky

In another episode recorded at the Hardwear.io conference, Alvaro talked to Chris Gerlinksy( @akacastor ) about ROM extraction and other IC reverse engineering tools/techniques.

Here are links to some of the things/topics mentioned:

Chris' Hardwear.io Talk

Chris’ talk about cracking satellite and pay tv systems from 33C3


Wet Etching

Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP)

John McMaster’s SiliconPr0n.org

Implant ROM

Focused Ion Beam (FIB)

Reversing the Nintendo 64 CIC - REcon 2015

Chris’ consulting site - http://pdrnorth.com

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

021 - Silent Disco Wizards

An interview with Jonathan Brossard

In this episode, Alvaro is joined by Jonathan Brossard to talk about the Witchcraft Compiler Collection during the Hardwear.io conference.

We talked about various tools/topics including:

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

020 - Hardwear.io CTF Interviews

Interviews with Hardwear.io CTF contestants and organizers

In this episode, Alvaro interviews contestants and organizers of the Hardwear.io CTF challenge

First, we’re joined by two members of the OpenToAll CTF team. Graziano and Antonius.

The second segment is with one of the creators of the CTF challenge, Philippe Teuwen( @doegox ) from Quarkslab .

The third segment was with Team Pineapple.

Other topics mentioned/covered:








Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )

019 - It's Still Not Magic

An interview with Holly Graceful

This week, Holly Graceful ( @HollyGraceful , gracefulsecurity.com ) joined us to talk about her recent hardware reverse engineering blog series and her pen(etration) testing and security career in both public and private sectors. She tells us about how she entered the field via the military and some of those differences.

We discussed breaking down projects into smaller bites. We talk about why getting access to the JTAG (use it for ...) port can be super easy in the consumer product and it may be more calculated than expected. The series ends with some key fob fun.

We do a minor round up of software defined radio and the USRP used with gnuradio .  We catch up on what Alvaro is doing with his SDRs.

Holly is working on more posts so stay follow to be updated with the latest.

Links that came up:

Have comments or suggestions for us? Find us on twitter @unnamed_show ,  or email us at show@unnamedre.com .

Music by TeknoAxe ( http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe )